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Oasis con sabor a Aguacate

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Nov 22, 2017

This place is so nearby and it is amazing, who knows how many times we’ve drove passed this street (before It was the 27th) without realizing it, we never expected something so epic to be hidden halfday into this route.

Minas del Aguacate San Mateo - Alajuela

How to get there? With Waze

Vehicle: Every vehicle arrives.

What to bring? Bathing suit, towel, repellent, sunscreen, food to share, flashlight if you want to venture into the mine, and good vibes.

Food? Snacks for the road and more than one bottle of water.

Cost: Free Free: time Difficulty: Low

Recommendations: Do not leave anything of value in the car, preferably go on a Saturday and early.

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It turns out that we went to this place of which we had heard of a lot, a couple of months ago we had tried to reach it, but we ended up getting lost. This time we went with our buddy Marlon, he told us that he had gone when he was younger so we tagged along.

It’s very easy to get there, when you go down from the avocado (graphic description of the route), you reach a flat part with a couple of bars, one of those is called "El Minero", that's where you head up until you reach the bridge where the car is left .

Once we got out of the car we went through a red gate and started climbing. The journey is not long, not more than 400m. From the road you can see the waterfalls that fall into the pools. If you keep walking uphill you will find a solid rock mine all scary looking. This mine is called La Union, and apparently it is very old when the gold rush was over 150 years ago.

Here you can chill in one of two spots basically, the upper well and the middle one. The one on top was less crowded and has a super cool natural water slide. The water is crystal clear, delicious and perfect for the heat of the area. In this slide, the crazy folks dive head first, we just slided down safely... since we wanted to continue living uninjured.

Then to no one's surprise, especially for people who read our posts.. we got hungry and that marked our escape to eat pupusas on our way to Atenas.

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