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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Feb 2, 2018

We bring you this awesomeness of a place in Tres Ríos ... it is very close to the city and walking around here you can discover paths with panoramic views and a river that will allow you to enjoy yourself without spending money.

How to get there? From San Ramón of Tres Ríos bus terminal you continue, passing the El Pizote restaurant you continue going up and at the next intersection, you turn right until you reach a gate where you can leave the car.


Distance: 6km total

Difficulty: Moderate

Accessibility: Not accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothes, trail tennis shoes, repellent, sunscreen, water, food to share and a change of clothes for when the ride ends.

Vehicle: High ground clearance car

Parking: No

Pets: Yes

Camping: No

Cost: FREE

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We met at Glori's house at 8 am, had breakfast and then went to the starting point that is from the famous Chicharronera El Pizote up. We arrived at the entrance and parked to get ready to start the hike.

*** The place is full of roads and trails, it’s not so easy to locate ... but to make it easier we marked with orange spray points stones or trees along the way ... this so that we do not get lost.

After crossing the first gate where we left the car, we walked 300 m until we reached the first intersection, here we turned left and continued until we reached an old security booth where you pass through a bridge. Then you start to climb and another intersection comes where you have to climb the wide path (not the path on the right) until you reach the viewpoint that is like a metal platform from where you can see all of San José, Heredia and Alajuela.

The route is relatively easy, there is nothing very technical but it is steep, another sneaky thing is that everything is under the shadow of the forest with the sound of the river in the background that makes it even cooler. So enjoy the road, see the details that make this place special, also take the opportunity to leave the place cleaner than you found it so more people can enjoy this little place.

The best thing about this place is that it is super near San José, it can be reached by bus and it is absolutely free. If you have time, walk more, discover other trails or enter the river along the bridge ... it's worth it.

Part of the trip was to find a waterfall that is theoretically out there. On the way back we walked upriver (in the first river that passes, one of the ruins of the house and the bridge) but we did not reach it. Either way, it was cool, the river is very cold and has super crystalline water. If you get to see the waterfall or know of someone who did, let us know.

DATE OF WALK: January 2018

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