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Estación Biológica La Selva - Sarapiquí

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Oct 25, 2019

We went to La Selva in Sarapiquí, it’s a giant biological station full of wildlife that extends to the Barva Volcano and has more than 50km of trails for research and for visitors like us.

How to get there: Cross the Zurquí along Route 32 and then turn left towards Sarapiquí. After half an hour you reach the entrance to the left that leads to La Selva.


Distance: Free

Difficulty: easy

Accessibility: It is accessible

What to bring: Fresh clothes, repellent, cap, camera, trail tennis shoes, beverages, snacks and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle: Automobile

Parking: Yes

Pets: No

Camping: No

Contact: 2766 6565

Cost: Lodging $ 64 / Person (includes food and guide)

Only food $ 12

Guided Tour $ 28 (3 hours)

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We left for La Selva on a Friday night and after 2 hours of driving we managed to get to the Biological Station to rest for the next day.

The Organization for Tropical Studies is a non-profit that offers a platform for education, research and the responsible use of natural resources in the tropics. One of the ways to help to continue supporting the protection of tropical forests is with ecotourism visits. It is a privileged destination and recognized worldwide by nature lovers.

The next day we woke up to the sound of thousands of birds, surrounded by a dense forest of giant trees, got ready and went to breakfast. Then we prepared for the guided tour of the biological station.

The reserve belongs to the OET (Organization of Tropical Studies) and has more than 50 km of trails dedicated to scientific research, imagine that the reserve extends to the cone of the Barva Volcano ... I mean the Braulio Carrillo National Park.

Another cool thing is that it has accessible paths for everyone, with little slope and easy to walk. The guides of the place are super smart, they manage to accurately locate any amount of plants, birds, mammals and bugs ... Among the animals we saw were monkeys, boars, agoutis, owls, king buzzard, barnacles, carpenters and a lot more.

In the second part of the tour we passed through a giant hammock bridge (Suuuper cool) and walked slowly along the paths, watching carefully for animals.

After walking all morning, it was lunchtime where we returned to the dining room just before the afternoon rain began, and that was the end of our walk through this incredible place.

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