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Dos Novillos - Limón

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 25, 2015

After walking on a narrow path, crossing a river, climbing a rock using a rope ladder, walking through the jungle of the Caribbean, you come to find an impressive waterfall (40m high).


How to get there? Take route 32 towards Limón, arrive at the village of Pocora and turn right towards La Argentina, on a Y turn right towards the sign that says Catarata Dos Novillos until you reach the beginning of the trail that is about 1 km away.

What to bring? Sportswear, trail or hiking shoes, swim trunks and swimsuit.

Food? Snacks and hydrating beverages, and a snack to eat in front of the majestic waterfall.

Walk: 1.5 hours

Difficulty: Moderate, it can be slippery, the river runs high, dare to climb a stone on a ladder and watch out for snakes.

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The day came to start walking and we were still recovering from the ‘fail’ of last week, for those who did not read the previous post: Turns out that we tried to look for a waterfall in a Swamp-Paddock like place where we were attacked by killer flies and had no choice but to do what we do best: have a good time in the middle of nowhere.

We drove to Limón using route 32 until we reached the town of Pocora, there we turned right towards to another town called Argentina where the asphalt street ends and you start along a dirt road until you reach the starting point. To begin it is important to park the car right where the Waze indicates, the entrance is on the right side of the street. So we got out of the car, and we started walking, this basically consists of crossing a small paddock, and following a pipe of drinking water next to the river, with the river right next to you in order to guide you to the waterfall, bordering a canyon with dense jungle where The Dos Novillos River goes.

Then it seems like the path ends, next to a small waterfall that looks like a weeping wall, (and here starts the interesting part) you turn right down about 100 meters slippery until you reach the first waterfall (pretty cool), a little hidden insight, but walking among the big stones, you can get to appreciate it better.

To get to the main waterfall, it is necessary to cross the river (it is big, so be careful If you notice it too high due to the rain), and climb a ladder that hangs on the other side of the river, follow a slightly confusing path among dense vegetation until arriving at the very own Waterfall Dos Novillos. It is not easy to control the emotion in such a cool place, so take your time and close your eyes, breathe deeply, feel the breeze, hear the sound of the water; Then open them again and shout What a # $%! & + @ great place!

In this waterfall, it is totally inevitable to not touch the water (but be careful because the current is strong) ... There, the time almost stops: we wanted to stay longer, but it was getting late and we wanted to avoid the afternoon rain, the crossing of the river became excitingly dangerous so we returned using the same route until we reached the paddock again (pay attention where you enter so that the exit is easy) where we had left the car.

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