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Cruce Golfo Dulce en Kayak

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jan 29, 2016

The Golfo Dulce is a very beautiful area, as it has the perfect combination of mountains with humid tropical forest, crystal clear sea, beaches with few people and dolphin and turtle watching. To top it all off we add a kayak ... nothing else to ask for in life.

How to get there?

Vehicle: Automobile. The street is in perfect condition from San José to Puerto Jiménez. Time: 4 days and 3 nights Pets: No Cost: $300 per person for groups of 8 or more. Includes: Support boat for three days, Guides and Equipment (Kayaks) Pass for camping the day before the Tour in Chontal, Rincón de Osa. Day 1 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Day 2 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Day 3 Breakfast.

Lodging in armed camping tent on day 1 and 2 at Saladero Lodge.

Contact: Flow Trips Jhonny Calderón.

What to bring? Bathing suit/trunks, sun-dried and fast-drying clothing, water shoes, sandals, lots of sunscreens, insect repellent, sunglasses, cap, towel, Adjustable Headlamp, sheets, camera (preferably water-resistant), some brought gym gloves for the rowing and the hammocks were a hit!

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We left San José on December 26, after Christmas. This is a date in which everyone goes to the beach, nut we decided to go to Cerro de la Muerte, and it was a good idea. We got very few clouds and cars. We arrived at Perez and from there we continued along the South Interamerican Highway to stop for lunch at Ballena and continue towards Rincón. Rincón is a small town that is just before Puerto Jiménez. The street is in perfect condition, freshly paved and painted and with reflective studs. We arrived a little early, so we took the opportunity to go to Puerto Jimenez to Jagua (a souvenir shop where they sell the famous homemade ice cream and 100% Natural.)

From there we went back to Rincón to check out where we were going to sleep. It was called Camp Chontal, and we stayed in super rustic cabins with everything you need, a hanging bed, towel, and bathroom. There we dined a delicious whole fish and we met with our guides to explain the details and logistics of the tour.

The next day we woke up at 6:00 a.m. for breakfast and got ready to start the adventure. At 7:00 we were ready, everyone with their paddling partner, starting to cross the Kayaks, because the sea has a keel behind that is operated with pedals to give direction.

We kayaked for 1.5 - 2 hours until we reached Los Mogos at around 9 am, they were little islands that were halfway there, we ate fruits, we filled the water bottles, we chilled for a while and we paddled again.

After recharging our batteries, we started again. In the middle of the way, we saw dolphins. They were not very close, so we started to follow them until we remembered that we were not a speed boat and that every meter that we deviated from the route was going to be extra work so we decided to follow the rules, after Los Mogos we paddled for 1 hour until we reached Saladero Lodge, the place where we would sleep that night and the next. As soon as we arrived, we settled in the little houses, which were like ranches with inflatable mattresses. Then we went back to the "dining room" where the guides had delicious sandwiches with everything.

Then we had a delicious nap on the ENO hammocks, which are incredibly comfortable until the sun hit is and the heat woke us up.

In the afternoon we played, we talked until it was time to have dinner. Once again, the guides showed off with filets of tuna, mashed potatoes, and garlic bread. After eating we were watching the stars because even though it was full Moon the sky was completely clear.

The next day we went to a beach about 45 min kayaking to snorkel. It was very cool, you see another type of coral and fish that you’re not used to seeing in the Central or North Pacific. Besides, the water was totally crystalline. After that, we returned and had delicious pasta and we got ready to go to see the trails that were right there in Saladero Lodge, they were short but neat, they were all full of yellow flowers.

In the afternoon we had planned to go to the Esquinas River to get into the mangrove swamp and take advantage of the full moon to kayak back at night. So after walking we went with headlights to the mangrove, in the middle of the way we started to hear a lot of water, for a moment I thought it was a waterfall. Until this rain began to fall, it was a very different experience, we all loved it. It poured for about half an hour and then it stopped and darkened. So we all turned on the lights and started to leave the river towards the sea. When we were back in the sea, Karla realized that there was bioluminescence, so we turned off the focus to enjoy it more. We got to dinner we were again talking straw.

The next day we had breakfast and we went back to Playa Blanca. The return felt really quick, didn’t seem like 2 hours had passed...It was all good and our walk ended. We were all super satisfied with the paddling and the very different experience ... It’s that feeling that we’re so small in this immense sea full of surprises that makes us reflect and appreciate more what we have. On the return, we stopped to eat and that was it...the end of a trip we were eager to do for a long time was over!

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