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Catarata Dos Novillos 2 - Limón

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Que Buen LugarPublished in Que Buen Lugar · Jun 7, 2019

After almost 4 years we returned to the coolest waterfall we’d ever seen during this adventure called Que Buen Lugar ... it is the waterfall of the Dos Novillos River located in Argentina of Pocora in Limón, at the foot of the Turrialba Volcano and it is really amazing.

How to get there? Take Route 32 towards Limon and after passing the Earth university you will pass the bridge of the Dos Novillos River, right there you turn right towards the Argentina of Pocora for 30 more minutes until you reach the house of Don Roberto.


Distance: 7Km


Accessibility:Not accessible

What to bring? Comfortable clothes and fast-drying, swimsuit, towel, bug repellent, waterproof jacket, dry clothes to change into after the swim and an excellent attitude.

Vehicle:Preferably high

Parking:On the curb



Contact:Don Roberto 7218-5219

Cost:¢ 4000 per person / ¢ 3500 lunch

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We left at 5 am from San José to avoid the constructions on route 32 and we arrived there at about 7 am ... we had never arrived so early in the area. The road as always very chic but when we deviate towards Argentina de pocora we stumbled upon the Turrialba volcano at the bottom totally clear ...

When we got to where Don Roberto’s we went up a bit more by car to a place where they take care of cars, although the place is very safe. We got out of the car, got our stuff ready and started walking.

The route is the same as we saw it years ago, the trail extends for about 3 km next to the river canyon, under the shade of a humid tropical forest with the sound of the water in the background. Also, the slope is not much until when you have to go down to the river, there you have to be a little careful because it is steep and slippery.

When you get to the bottom of the river you feel nice energy, which makes you want to get into the water because you run into a waterfall and a pond, but still need to cross the river, climb a ladder to reach the waterfall Dos Novillos.

After climbing the stairs, walk 5 more minutes until the trail opens in front of one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Costa Rica. The waterfall is incredible in every way, it is surrounded by small caves, it has a giant pool and a perfect waterfall. In addition, another plus is that all around there are springs of water that cross the stone walls. There are many swallows flying on top of one. It really is very lovely. We were here for over an hour enjoying ourselves, obviously, we got into the water for a while, swam, took photos, videos, we made Don Roberto get in the water with us. Then we ate a sandwich and picked up our stuff to return to Don Roberto's house where we had a delicious lunch.

We almost never repeated places, but returning to this waterfall was totally worth it.

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